Monday 7 January 2013

A big HELLO.


It feels soo good to finally being able to pen down my thoughts. What's running through my mind is wedding. Yes! I'm a bride-to-be. August 2014 is the big date. A year and few months to go. And to tell you, I did not know that it would be so stressful. And expensive too. *faints*

Anyway the fiance and I have decided to hold a combine wedding since we have a very small budget. So far everything is still in planning. And one thing we have agreed on is the theme. A cute one like Carl & Ellie, ours will have lots of colorful props with a trip to Paradise Falls. Paradise to us, is a trip to the country of love, Paris. I've never wanted something so bad as to go here with the person I love. Please let my dream come through:)

Ok, so roughly here is my budget for the BIG day:

Catering: $10 000
Deco: $4000
Andaman: $2500
Photography: $1300
DJ: $550 (booked!)
Kompang: $700
Cake: $500
Wedding Card: $350
Guestbook Service: $400
Henna: $150
Door Gifts: $2000

That just adds up to $22 450. By the way this is roughly my budget for 500 invites. There are thing missing here like gubahan, hantaran and stuffs but lucky me the fiance will manage that or I will go bonkers! Hehe.

So, I will update soon for our wedding venue. Byeeeeeee!:)

And yes, I need to lose 20kg before the big day. Please pray for me >.<
PS: Twenty-two more days to our 43th anniversary and a year as his fiancee:)



  1. Hello fellow BTB! may i know who is your dj?

  2. Hi there, I have the same question. Could you share DJ contact with me @ Thank you
