Tuesday 29 January 2013

Happy Anniversary Love!:)

Exactly 1 year ago, we took our relationship to a whole new level. It was one of the best day of my life. At first, i wasn't so sure of where our relationship will head to. But that was nearly 4 years ago. Now, he's my everything. A year plus to go before we settle down and start our own family. To have cute & round young ones (judging from the parents. Hehe).

And update about the big day, alhamdulillah, andaman + photography has been booked. Initially, we wanted to just look at their package and survey around. But my make-up artist is super duper friendly, honest and yes, she's really good lah. Me, Mr Fiance and her have a good 2 and a half hour talk at her boutique, and decided to grab her promotion. Took up the Bridal + Event Photography Promotion at only $2750! Which consists of:

  • 3 Exclusive Couple Outfits
  • Professional Make-Up & Hairdo, Accessories
  • 10 Hours Event Photography (For Nikah & Sanding)
  • 250 Pictures in Exclusive slot in Album, 1 S8R Frame & Edited pictures in DVD 
  • Plus Free Complimentary Hand Bouquet!
A good deal I should say. Now waiting for March 2014 to come and have Mr Fiance measurement done before she quote us the additional price for his plus-size. Cute lah tunang saya nie;) 

Somehow I feel less stressful when one by one is booked, cos at least I just have to focus on saving up the amount and work my ass off. Hehe;)


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